Blaine Brothers Mike Lerach has retired after more than 40 years working in the heavy-duty industry!

Mike Lerach, who spent the last five years at Blaine Brothers as sales manager, has retired after more than 40 years working in the heavy-duty industry. Previously, Lerach held various positions at two leading air brake OEM suppliers, Haldex and Bendix, and gained a tremendous amount of air brake knowledge throughout his career. He looks forward to enjoying more outdoor activities in retirement like snowmobiling, fishing, and deer hunting.

Blaine, MN


10011 Xylite Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55449

Scanlon, MN


1325 Hwy 45
Scanlon, MN 55720

Clearwater, MN


750 Heaton BLVD
Clearwater, MN 55320

Baldwin, WI


2500 Alreich Ave
Baldwin, WI 54002

Capacity Trucks


10070 Davenport St. NE
Blaine, MN 55449



9515 150th Avenue NE
Columbus, MN 55025