Cory Jones Master Weekend Roll-Over

Corey Jones racing had a troubled start to the Masters Weekend. Corey Jones flipped on Thursday night but was able to get the car fixed for the Friday and Saturday races, both races be a bit of a struggle due to some bent components from the roll-over on Thursday.

Weekend results

• Saturday Cory went to cedar lake started 8th in the makeup feature finished 8th.

• The heat Corey started 8th finished 4th.

• The feature Corey started 10th finished 4th.

Blaine, MN


10011 Xylite Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55449

Scanlon, MN


1325 Hwy 45
Scanlon, MN 55720

Clearwater, MN


750 Heaton BLVD
Clearwater, MN 55320

Baldwin, WI


2500 Alreich Ave
Baldwin, WI 54002

Capacity Trucks


10070 Davenport St. NE
Blaine, MN 55449



9515 150th Avenue NE
Columbus, MN 55025